Ministries > C.A.R.E.
Our ministry is geared towards parishioners 50 years and over. We provide an avenue for parishioners to socialize among themselves in a safe environment, provide spiritual guidance and facilitate spiritual growth, create a sense of belonging / a sense of purpose, assist parish in caring for other elderly members of the community some of whom may be shut-ins and provide counsel and comfort in times of need.
We organize:​
Annual Lenten retreat for members,
Various activities: sightseeing, pilgrimages - local and overseas, Mass intentions and celebration of members' birthdays, seminars / presentations on health and other topics of interest.
We initiated and currently run a home work centre on afternoons from 3 to 5 pm in El Patio - Santa Rosa.
We pay home visits to members and other persons who may be ill or shut-in.
We assist members and others who may be in need of prayer and other areas of support.
We respond to requests from the Clergy and others to provide hospitality services at events and other support for special projects.