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Santa Rosa GLOW Young Adult Ministry

Ministries > Santa Rosa GLOW Young Adult Ministry

Our ministry exists to support young adults of the Santa Rosa Parish who seek to develop a deeper knowledge of their faith and grow in their Christian formation.

By examining the Scriptures, the tenets of our faith, sharing unique personal challenges, participating in missionary and parish based activities and growing in our relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we hope that each member will bear a better witness to the Christian ideal in this increasingly secular world.

The Santa Rosa GLOW Young Adult Ministry exists to:

1.     Educate our young adults about living the Christian life in this time, within real world constraints and challenges. We educate by:

  • Sharing information

  • Listening to contemporary Catholic speakers

  • Retreats

  • Studying theology

  • Providing a forum for Young Adults to learn about and discuss their faith


2.     To encourage each other as an extended Catholic family through socializing, praying together, offering support systems and being present for each other.

  • Activities to encourage good health

  • Provide opportunities for prayer and reflection.


3.     To live as we have been called and set apart to live.

  • Provide outlets for sharing, giving through charitable works and volunteer activities.


The Young Adult Catholic should be in tune and involved in his/her family, parish, community and country. It is our hope that through this ministry that we as Catholics may go beyond knowing about Jesus to knowing Jesus.    

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