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Men's Ministry

Ministries > Men's Ministry

Malabar RC Men's Ministry:

Mission: "To have a vibrant presence of men in the Church, to improve our relationship with God and our fellowman and to contribute towards the enhancement of our community"


Meeting Time: Second and fourth Thursday of every month, 7:00 PM

Venue: Malabar Parish Hall


"The harvest is rich but the labourers are few", Matthew 9, 37


All men are invited to come and join the harvest.

Santa Rosa/Pinto Men's Group: 

Putting God First and Foremost in our lives to build Vibrant and Peaceful Communities and lead our families in prayer, praise and worship.


"Seek ye First the Kingdom of Heaven and all things else will be added unto it".


Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM

Venue: Alternates between Santa Rosa Heights Church and Pinto Road Church


All men are invited to attend

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by Santa Rosa/Malabar Communications Team

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